Published Works
This is a selected rather than an exhaustive list. For a full list of published works and presented papers, please contact me.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Framing a Revolution: Narrative Battles in Colombia's Civil War. Cambridge University Press. March 2023.
"Contesting the Fighter Identity: Framing, Desertion, and Gender in Colombia.” International Studies Quarterly. Accepted September 2020; published online October 2020.
“Duped: Examining Gender Stereotypes in Disengagement and Deradicalization Practices". Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Accepted November 2019; published online February 2020.
“Investigating Implicit Biases around Race and Gender in Canadian Counterterrorism.” International Journal. Accepted September 2020; published online December 3, 2020.
“When Fieldwork Ends: Navigating Ongoing Contact with Former Insurgents”. Terrorism & Political Violence. Submitted May 2020, accepted November 2020. Forthcoming special edition on ethics, 2021.
“A ‘Post-Conflict’ Colombia? Analyzing the Pillars (and Spoilers) of Peace.” First author, written with Paulo Tovar. Book chapter in: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Global Perspectives, edited by Monika Thakur. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Accepted, forthcoming (2021).
“Duped: Why Gender Stereotypes Are Leading to Inadequate Disengagement and Deradicalization Policies.” TSAS Working Paper series, no. 18-07, October 2018.
“Girls, Gangs, and Urban Violence in Medellín, Colombia.” (Book chapter). Human Security for an Urban Century: Local Challenges, Global Perspectives. March 2007. Canadian Consortium on Human Security and DFAIT
Other Publications
“Addressing Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias in Canadian Counter-Terrorism: Where Does GBA+ Fit In?” Funded by Global Affairs Canada & SSHRC as part of the International Policy Challenges Initiative, November 2019.
“’Fan girls’, ‘jihadi brides’, and ‘camp followers’: The Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Disengagement and Deradicalization Policies.” Paper commissioned by the Government of Canada as part of an expert briefing, May 2019.
“What battles over ‘gender ideology’ mean for Colombia’s women human rights defenders”. February 2020. OpenGlobalRights.
"Family Separation: A Flashpoint in the Global Migrant Crisis". Co-authored with Brian Root (Human Rights Watch). June 2018. OpenGlobalRights.
"Rethinking Strategies of Child Protection". December 2016. OpenGlobalRights.
"Activists Get Creative in their Push for Moroccan Women's Rights". May 2016. OpenGlobalRights.
"What does Zika have to do with Inequality? Everything." OpenGlobalRights. February 2016.
"Meeting Their Needs: Results from a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey on Gender-Based Violence and Reproductive Health in the Mafraq & Ibid Governorates, Jordan”. Research report for International Rescue Committee (IRC) Jordan. March 2015.
"Desk Review of Humanitarian Aid inside Syria: Most Acute Needs & Gaps". Research report for International Rescue Committee (IRC) Jordan. August 2014.
"The Human Rights Sector in Colombia: Evidence from the Public.” First author, written with Shannon Golden and James Ron. July 2014. The Human Rights Organizations Project, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
"The Human Rights Sector in Ecuador: Evidence from the Public.” Written with Shannon Golden and James Ron. July 2014. The Human Rights Organizations Project, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.